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Dental care for babies - When should I start?

Dental care for babies - When should I start?

A baby's smile is and always will be a magical moment. The little teeth that gradually appear not only mark a milestone in growth but also come with responsibilities.

Although it may seem too early to think about dental care when the first tooth appears, it is crucial. Just like adults, even the smallest ones should get used to dental care early on - and so should the parents. In this blog, we provide you with practical tips for your baby's oral hygiene. Let's get started!

The first teeth

Most babies get their first teeth between the 4th and 7th months. Although it is a special time, teething can be a challenge for both your baby and you.

Here are some signs that indicate the first teeth are coming through:

Signs of teething

  • Drooling: One of the first signs of teething is increased saliva production. Your baby will drool more.
  • Biting behavior: Your baby will enjoy biting on everything they can find. This helps to relieve pressure on the gums.
  • Changes in eating habits: Some babies may want to eat less or even refuse food because their gums hurt.

How Can You Alleviate the Symptoms?

There are various ways to alleviate teething symptoms and comfort your baby:

  • Teething rings: Give your baby a teething ring to chew on. These can help relieve pressure on the gums.
  • Gum massage: Gently massage your baby's gums with a clean finger. This can help reduce pain.

First steps in oral care

Learning good oral care begins not just with the first teeth but even before. By regularly cleaning the gums, you remove bacteria and get your child used to the sensation of brushing.

Use a special baby toothbrush for this. It is also important to use a special baby toothpaste with the necessary fluoride content for babies. You should brush your child's teeth twice a day.

Making Brushing Fun

Be patient! It doesn't have to be perfect the first time. Sometimes it helps to sing a song while brushing. It makes it more fun - no matter how off-key the singing is. You can also give your child their own toothbrush to play with.

Additionally, it's important to establish a routine. It may not always be easy, but try to create a positive association with brushing for your baby. It also helps to set a good example yourself. Brush your teeth together with your child, for instance. This can automatically spark interest and encourage imitation.

That's it for today.

Good luck and greetings from the GOATS!