Regeldagen bij baby’s: Wat zijn het en hoe ga je ermee om?

Growth Spurts: What Are They and How to Handle Them?

As a parent, you might recognize this: your baby is suddenly restless, cries more often, and seems constantly hungry. Chances are, your baby is going through a growth spurt. These periods are a natural part of your baby’s development. In this blog, we’ll explain what growth spurts are, how to recognize them, and how to support your baby (and yourself) through these intense days.

What Are Growth Spurts?

Growth spurts are phases where your baby needs more food than usual. This is because your baby is growing and requires extra energy. It’s a natural process that helps balance your baby’s increased nutritional needs with the amount of milk—whether breastmilk or formula—they receive.

Growth spurts often occur at specific times, such as:

  • 10 days

  • 3 weeks

  • 6 weeks

  • 3 months

Additionally, growth spurts can happen after stressful periods or when the mother has been unwell.

How to Recognize Growth Spurts

During a growth spurt, babies often display the following signs:

  1. Increased Hunger
    Your baby seems insatiable. While they might previously have fed every three hours, they now want to eat every hour. Look for hunger cues like smacking lips or sucking on their hands.

  2. Clinginess and Restlessness
    Your baby wants to be near you all the time and may be fussy. The combination of a growth spurt and digesting extra food takes a lot of energy.

  3. Disrupted Sleep
    Your baby may wake up more often, even at night. Their usual sleep patterns can be disrupted.

  4. Inconsolability
    A clean diaper or rocking doesn’t seem to help. Only feeding again seems to calm your baby.

Growth Spurts and Formula Feeding

Growth spurts don’t just happen in breastfed babies; formula-fed babies also experience them. During these phases, you can offer smaller bottles more frequently—every two hours, for example—to prevent your baby from overfeeding. If your baby primarily shows an increased need to suck, consider using a nipple with a smaller hole to make the bottle last longer. If in doubt, always consult your healthcare provider.

Choosing a formula like follow-on milk based on goat’s milk, such as that from Pure Goat Company, provides your baby with a gentle and easily digestible source of nutrition. This can be especially helpful during growth spurts, when your baby’s digestive system is working overtime.

Tips for Managing Growth Spurts

Growth spurts can be challenging, but these tips can make them easier:

  • Follow Your Baby’s Rhythm
    Feed on demand. Your baby’s increased needs are temporary, and being flexible helps support them best.

  • Keep Your Baby Close
    Use a baby carrier or sling. Skin-to-skin contact soothes your baby and strengthens your bond.

  • Take Care of Yourself
    Eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and rest when possible. You’ll need extra energy to help your baby through these days.

  • Take It Slow
    Plan for quiet, low-stress days. Growth spurts are intense but also provide valuable moments of closeness.

It Will Pass

Growth spurts typically last 1 to 2 days, sometimes a little longer. As your baby grows, these phases become less frequent but may last longer. Remember, growth spurts are a sign of healthy development.

Trust Yourself

Are you unsure if your baby is getting enough food? When breastfeeding, frequent feeding is a natural signal for your body to produce more milk. For formula feeding, feel free to offer a bit more, but stay attentive to your baby’s cues. If you’re uncertain, consult a professional such as a lactation consultant or your healthcare provider.

With the right preparation and a nourishing option like follow-on milk based on goat’s milk from Pure Goat Company, you’ll get through these days successfully. Trust yourself—you’re doing great!